BIPOLAR BABE Charity Benefit

Congrats to BIPOLAR BABE on your 3rd Annual Charity Benefit. Helping to ‘Stomp Out Stigma’  while entertaining  a Packed house with a Great event!

Jacqueline McLaughlin Fundraiser MCFundraiser MC Jacqueline McLaughlin

Bipolar Babe Executive Director Andrea Paquette

Fashion Show ModelsEnsemble Fashion Show Models

Fashion Show Model EnsembleEnsemble Fashion Show Models

Bipolar Babe Fashion Show ModelBipolar Babe Fashion Show Model

Comedian Josh ZedComedian Josh Zed

Bipolar Babe Fashion Show ModelBipolar Babe Fashion Show Model

Bipolar Babe Fashion Show Model

Bipolar Babe Fundraiser Raffle TicketsBipolar Babe Fundraiser Raffle Tickets

Bipolar Babe Fashion Show Model

Bipolar Babe Fashion Show ModelBipolar Babe Fashion Show Model

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